On Saturday, Ed, a hometown friend of Tom's, took the train into SF from his home near Lake Tahoe. Ed met us at our hotel and came upstairs to our room for a nice visit.
Then the three of us caught a cab to North Beach, aka "Little Italy" and had lunch at one of the many Italian cafes. After lunch we walked through Chinatown, which is adjacent to North Beach. From there we took a cab to Union Square because Ed wanted to pick something up at Gump's. What a kewl store!
We then took yet another taxi - this one to Haight Ashbury. The Haight district is a counter-cultural wasteland populated mostly by hippies and punks. It was quite a shock to my conservative sensibilities! We popped in and out of several shops. I didn't make any purchases but Tom and Ed both did. From the Haight we headed back to the hotel where we said goodbye to Ed.
On Thursday I had spotted an In-N-Out Burger along Fisherman's Wharf and had been craving an In-N-Out burger ever since. I had eaten at In-N-Out many times before on previous vists to California. As luck would have it, Tom and I wanted to have a low key dinner on Saturday night so we took a cab to Fisherman's Wharf where I got my In-N-Out fix! Yeah! Fisherman's Wharf was super crowded. I couldn't believe how many people were out walking around.
Top pic is Tom and Ed in the Haight-Ashbury district.
Middle pic is me, Tom and Ed in cab on way back to hotel.
Bottom pic is me - taken on roof garden of our hotel after we returned from dinner.