Thursday, April 2, 2009

Not much to write about tonight. I caught the 8:08am train which got me into the office at 8:45am.

There were very strong winds downtown this afternoon - over 50mph. My friend Greg and I took a break and walked down the street to 7-11. On our way we got caught in a wind tunnel and just about got blown over! It was difficult to stay standing!

As usual we left the office just after 4:30pm to catch the train. I got home at around 5:20pm and worked until 9pm (except for a 1/2 hour dinner break when Tom and I went to Taco Cabana). I'm now thoroughly exhausted and ready to just veg until bedtime.

Good news on the home paint job! It looks great and Rob plans to be mostly done tomorrow except for a bit of trim - which he'll finish up on Monday.

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